米Microsoftは、復活するスリーマイル島原子力発電所1号機の電力を独占購入する20年契約を、同発電所を保有する米Constellation Energyと結んだ。Constellationが9月20日(現地時間)に発表した。
⇧ う~む...
- 火力発電における問題
- 原子力発電における問題
⇧ 日本が魁て「火力発電」で「CO2を出さない」という取組を行っているそうな。
- 火力発電
- 原子力発電
⇧ 1882年と記録されてるらしく、今が、2024年なので、142年が経過してますと。
⇧ エネルギーの消費量は、年々、右肩上がりではあるらしい。
単一責任の原則(Single Responsibility Principle)とは
単一責任の原則 (たんいつせきにんのげんそく、英: single-responsibility principle) は、プログラミングに関する原則であり、モジュール、クラスまたは関数は、単一の機能について責任を持ち、その機能をカプセル化するべきであるという原則である。モジュール、クラスまたは関数が提供するサービスは、その責任と一致している必要がある。
⇧ とありますと。
- データを取得する
- データを加工し意味ある情報にする
- 保存する
これを、1つのメソッドとかにしてしまうと、「単一責任の原則(Single Responsibility Principle)」に違反することになりますと。
「単一責任の原則(Single Responsibility Principle)」は、
この五つの原則は、アメリカのソフトウェア技術者ロバート・C・マーティンが提唱していた数々の設計原則の中からチョイスされたものである。マーティンが提唱していた原則は、例えば2000年に発表されたレポート『Design Principles and Design Patterns』の中で紹介されている。
単一責任の原則(Single Responsibility Principle)に反してるのはOxidizedの問題なのかRubyの問題なのか
require 'strscan' require_relative 'outputs' module Oxidized class Model using Refinements include Oxidized::Config::Vars class << self def inherited(klass) super if klass.superclass == Oxidized::Model klass.instance_variable_set '@cmd', (Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] }) klass.instance_variable_set '@cfg', (Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] }) klass.instance_variable_set '@procs', (Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] }) klass.instance_variable_set '@expect', [] klass.instance_variable_set '@comment', nil klass.instance_variable_set '@prompt', nil else # we're subclassing some existing model, take its variables instance_variables.each do |var| iv = instance_variable_get(var) klass.instance_variable_set var, iv.dup @cmd[:cmd] = iv[:cmd].dup if var.to_s == "@cmd" end end end def comment(str = "# ") @comment = if block_given? yield elsif not @comment str else @comment end end def prompt(regex = nil) @prompt = regex || @prompt end def cfg(*methods, **args, &block) [methods].flatten.each do |method| process_args_block(@cfg[method.to_s], args, block) end end def cfgs @cfg end def cmd(cmd_arg = nil, **args, &block) if cmd_arg.instance_of?(Symbol) process_args_block(@cmd[cmd_arg], args, block) else process_args_block(@cmd[:cmd], args, [cmd_arg, block]) end Oxidized.logger.debug "lib/oxidized/model/model.rb Added #{cmd_arg} to the commands list" end def cmds @cmd end def expect(regex, **args, &block) process_args_block(@expect, args, [regex, block]) end def expects @expect end # calls the block at the end of the model, prepending the output of the # block to the output string # # @author Saku Ytti <saku@ytti.fi> # @since 0.0.39 # @yield expects block which should return [String] # @return [void] def pre(**args, &block) process_args_block(@procs[:pre], args, block) end # calls the block at the end of the model, adding the output of the block # to the output string # # @author Saku Ytti <saku@ytti.fi> # @since 0.0.39 # @yield expects block which should return [String] # @return [void] def post(**args, &block) process_args_block(@procs[:post], args, block) end # @author Saku Ytti <saku@ytti.fi> # @since 0.0.39 # @return [Hash] hash proc procs :pre+:post to be prepended/postfixed to output attr_reader :procs private def process_args_block(target, args, block) if args[:clear] if block.instance_of?(Array) target.reject! { |k, _| k == block[0] } target.push(block) else target.replace([block]) end else method = args[:prepend] ? :unshift : :push target.send(method, block) end end end attr_accessor :input, :node def cmd(string, &block) Oxidized.logger.debug "lib/oxidized/model/model.rb Executing #{string}" out = @input.cmd(string) return false unless out out = out.b unless Oxidized.config.input.utf8_encoded? self.class.cmds[:all].each do |all_block| out = instance_exec out, string, &all_block end if vars :remove_secret self.class.cmds[:secret].each do |all_block| out = instance_exec out, string, &all_block end end out = instance_exec out, &block if block process_cmd_output out, string end def output @input.output end def send(data) @input.send data end def expect(...) self.class.expect(...) end def cfg self.class.cfgs end def prompt self.class.prompt end def expects(data) self.class.expects.each do |re, cb| if data.match re data = cb.arity == 2 ? instance_exec([data, re], &cb) : instance_exec(data, &cb) end end data end def get Oxidized.logger.debug 'lib/oxidized/model/model.rb Collecting commands\' outputs' outputs = Outputs.new procs = self.class.procs self.class.cmds[:cmd].each do |command, block| out = cmd command, &block return false unless out outputs << out end procs[:pre].each do |pre_proc| outputs.unshift process_cmd_output(instance_eval(&pre_proc), '') end procs[:post].each do |post_proc| outputs << process_cmd_output(instance_eval(&post_proc), '') end outputs end def comment(str) data = '' str.each_line do |line| data << self.class.comment << line end data end def xmlcomment(str) # XML Comments start with <!-- and end with --> # # Because it's illegal for the first or last characters of a comment # to be a -, i.e. <!--- or ---> are illegal, and also to improve # readability, we add extra spaces after and before the beginning # and end of comment markers. # # Also, XML Comments must not contain --. So we put a space between # any double hyphens, by replacing any - that is followed by another - # with '- ' data = '' str.each_line do |_line| data << '<!-- ' << str.gsub(/-(?=-)/, '- ').chomp << " -->\n" end data end def screenscrape @input.class.to_s.match(/Telnet/) || vars(:ssh_no_exec) end private def process_cmd_output(output, name) output = String.new('') unless output.instance_of?(String) output.process_cmd(name) output end end end
⇧ 例えば、上記のクラスの灰色に塗りつぶした部分の120行目~136行目のメソッドは、
- 引数1(文字列)、引数2(ブロック)を受け取り、引数1(文字列)のコマンドを実行する
- 1の処理の結果を、引数2(ブロック)の引数部分に渡して引数2(ブロック)の処理を実行する
- 2の処理の結果を、加工する
- 戻り値を返す
- Ruby特有の言語の仕様のせいなのか
- Oxidizedの実装の問題なのか
分からないのですが、明らかに、「単一責任の原則(Single Responsibility Principle)に反して」に反していそうですと。
class IOS < Oxidized::Model using Refinements prompt /^([\w.@()-]+[#>]\s?)$/ comment '! ' # example how to handle pager # expect /^\s--More--\s+.*$/ do |data, re| # send ' ' # data.sub re, '' # end # non-preferred way to handle additional PW prompt # expect /^[\w.]+>$/ do |data| # send "enable\n" # send vars(:enable) + "\n" # data # end cmd :all do |cfg| # cfg.gsub! /\cH+\s{8}/, '' # example how to handle pager # cfg.gsub! /\cH+/, '' # example how to handle pager # get rid of errors for commands that don't work on some devices cfg.gsub! /^% Invalid input detected at '\^' marker\.$|^\s+\^$/, '' cfg.cut_both end cmd :secret do |cfg| cfg.gsub! /^(snmp-server community).*/, '\\1 <configuration removed>' cfg.gsub! /^(snmp-server host \S+( vrf \S+)?( informs?)?( version (1|2c|3 (noauth|auth|priv)))?)\s+\S+((\s+\S*)*)\s*/, '\\1 <secret hidden> \\7' cfg.gsub! /^(username .+ (password|secret) \d) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(enable (password|secret)( level \d+)? \d) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+(?:password|secret)) (?:\d )?\S+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(.*wpa-psk ascii \d) (\S+)/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(.*key 7) (\d.+)/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(tacacs-server (.+ )?key) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(crypto isakmp key) (\S+) (.*)/, '\\1 <secret hidden> \\3' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+ip ospf message-digest-key \d+ md5) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+ip ospf authentication-key) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+neighbor \S+ password) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+vrrp \d+ authentication text) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+standby \d+ authentication) .{1,8}$/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+standby \d+ authentication md5 key-string) .+?( timeout \d+)?$/, '\\1 <secret hidden> \\2' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+key-string) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^((tacacs|radius) server [^\n]+\n(\s+[^\n]+\n)*\s+key) [^\n]+$/m, '\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+ppp (chap|pap) password \d) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg end cmd 'show version' do |cfg| comments = [] comments << cfg.lines.first lines = cfg.lines lines.each_with_index do |line, i| slave = '' slaveslot = '' if line =~ /^Slave in slot (\d+) is running/ slave = " Slave:" slaveslot = ", slot #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" end comments << "Image:#{slave} Compiled: #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if line =~ /^Compiled (.*)$/ comments << "Image:#{slave} Software: #{Regexp.last_match(1)}, #{Regexp.last_match(2)}" if line =~ /^(?:Cisco )?IOS .* Software,? \(([A-Za-z0-9_-]*)\), .*Version\s+(.*)$/ comments << "ROM Bootstrap: #{Regexp.last_match(3)}" if line =~ /^ROM: (IOS \S+ )?(System )?Bootstrap.*(Version.*)$/ comments << "BOOTFLASH: #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if line =~ /^BOOTFLASH: .*(Version.*)$/ comments << "Memory: nvram #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if line =~ /^(\d+[kK]) bytes of (non-volatile|NVRAM)/ comments << "Memory: flash #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if line =~ /^(\d+[kK]) bytes of (flash memory|flash internal|processor board System flash|ATA CompactFlash)/i comments << "Memory: pcmcia #{Regexp.last_match(2)} #{Regexp.last_match(3)}#{Regexp.last_match(4)} #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if line =~ /^(\d+[kK]) bytes of (Flash|ATA)?.*PCMCIA .*(slot|disk) ?(\d)/i if line =~ /(\S+(?:\sseries)?)\s+(?:\((\S+)\)\s+processor|\(revision[^)]+\)).*\s+with (\S+k) bytes/i sproc = Regexp.last_match(1) cpu = Regexp.last_match(2) mem = Regexp.last_match(3) cpuxtra = '' comments << "Chassis type:#{slave} #{sproc}" comments << "Memory:#{slave} main #{mem}" # check the next two lines for more CPU info comments << "Processor ID: #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if cfg.lines[i + 1] =~ /processor board id (\S+)/i if cfg.lines[i + 2] =~ /(cpu at |processor: |#{cpu} processor,)/i # change implementation to impl and prepend comma cpuxtra = cfg.lines[i + 2].gsub("implementation", 'impl').gsub(/^/, ', ').chomp end comments << "CPU:#{slave} #{cpu}#{cpuxtra}#{slaveslot}" end comments << "Image: #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if line =~ /^System image file is "([^"]*)"$/ end comments << "\n" comment comments.join "\n" end cmd 'show vtp status' do |cfg| cfg.gsub! /^$\n/, '' cfg.gsub! /Configuration last modified by.*\n/, '' cfg.gsub! /^/, 'VTP: ' unless cfg.empty? comment "#{cfg}\n" end cmd 'show inventory' do |cfg| comment cfg end post do cmd_line = 'show running-config' cmd_line += ' view full' if vars(:ios_rbac) cmd cmd_line do |cfg| cfg = cfg.each_line.to_a[3..-1] cfg = cfg.reject { |line| line.match /^ntp clock-period / }.join cfg = cfg.each_line.reject { |line| line.match /^! (Last|No) configuration change (at|since).*/ unless line =~ /\d+\sby\s\S+$/ }.join cfg.gsub! /^Current configuration : [^\n]*\n/, '' cfg.gsub! /^ tunnel mpls traffic-eng bandwidth[^\n]*\n*( (?: [^\n]*\n*)* tunnel mpls traffic-eng auto-bw)/mx, '\1' cfg end end cfg :telnet do username /^Username:/i password /^Password:/i end cfg :telnet, :ssh do # preferred way to handle additional passwords post_login do if vars(:enable) == true cmd "enable" elsif vars(:enable) cmd "enable", /^[pP]assword:/ cmd vars(:enable) end end post_login 'terminal length 0' post_login 'terminal width 0' pre_logout 'exit' end end
⇧ いずれも、戻り値をガン無視しとるように見えるんだが...
⇧ return省略しなくても良くない?
class CustomIOSHelper ################################################################ # ? # @param cfg コマンド実行結果の文字列 # @return cfg 文字列 ################################################################ def self.take_all_info(cfg) # cfg.gsub! /\cH+\s{8}/, '' # example how to handle pager # cfg.gsub! /\cH+/, '' # example how to handle pager # get rid of errors for commands that don't work on some devices cfg.gsub! /^% Invalid input detected at '\^' marker\.$|^\s+\^$/, '' return cfg end ################################################################ # 機密情報をマスクする処理 # @param cfg コマンド実行結果の文字列 # @return cfg 機密情報をマスクする処理実施後の文字列 ################################################################ def self.secret_hidden(cfg) cfg.gsub! /^(snmp-server community).*/, '\\1 <configuration removed>' cfg.gsub! /^(snmp-server host \S+( vrf \S+)?( informs?)?( version (1|2c|3 (noauth|auth|priv)))?)\s+\S+((\s+\S*)*)\s*/, '\\1 <secret hidden> \\7' cfg.gsub! /^(username .+ (password|secret) \d) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(enable (password|secret)( level \d+)? \d) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+(?:password|secret)) (?:\d )?\S+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(.*wpa-psk ascii \d) (\S+)/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(.*key 7) (\d.+)/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(tacacs-server (.+ )?key) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(crypto isakmp key) (\S+) (.*)/, '\\1 <secret hidden> \\3' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+ip ospf message-digest-key \d+ md5) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+ip ospf authentication-key) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+neighbor \S+ password) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+vrrp \d+ authentication text) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+standby \d+ authentication) .{1,8}$/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+standby \d+ authentication md5 key-string) .+?( timeout \d+)?$/, '\\1 <secret hidden> \\2' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+key-string) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^((tacacs|radius) server [^\n]+\n(\s+[^\n]+\n)*\s+key) [^\n]+$/m, '\1 <secret hidden>' cfg.gsub! /^(\s+ppp (chap|pap) password \d) .+/, '\\1 <secret hidden>' return cfg end ################################################################ # 対象機器から取得した情報を加工する処理 # @param cfg コマンド実行結果の文字列 # @return comments 加工後の文字列の配列 ################################################################ def self.take_machine_info(cfg) comments = [] comments << cfg.lines.first lines = cfg.lines lines.each_with_index do |line, i| slave = '' slaveslot = '' if line =~ /^Slave in slot (\d+) is running/ slave = " Slave:" slaveslot = ", slot #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" end comments << "Image:#{slave} Compiled: #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if line =~ /^Compiled (.*)$/ comments << "Image:#{slave} Software: #{Regexp.last_match(1)}, #{Regexp.last_match(2)}" if line =~ /^(?:Cisco )?IOS .* Software,? \(([A-Za-z0-9_-]*)\), .*Version\s+(.*)$/ comments << "ROM Bootstrap: #{Regexp.last_match(3)}" if line =~ /^ROM: (IOS \S+ )?(System )?Bootstrap.*(Version.*)$/ comments << "BOOTFLASH: #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if line =~ /^BOOTFLASH: .*(Version.*)$/ comments << "Memory: nvram #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if line =~ /^(\d+[kK]) bytes of (non-volatile|NVRAM)/ comments << "Memory: flash #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if line =~ /^(\d+[kK]) bytes of (flash memory|flash internal|processor board System flash|ATA CompactFlash)/i comments << "Memory: pcmcia #{Regexp.last_match(2)} #{Regexp.last_match(3)}#{Regexp.last_match(4)} #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if line =~ /^(\d+[kK]) bytes of (Flash|ATA)?.*PCMCIA .*(slot|disk) ?(\d)/i if line =~ /(\S+(?:\sseries)?)\s+(?:\((\S+)\)\s+processor|\(revision[^)]+\)).*\s+with (\S+k) bytes/i sproc = Regexp.last_match(1) cpu = Regexp.last_match(2) mem = Regexp.last_match(3) cpuxtra = '' comments << "Chassis type:#{slave} #{sproc}" comments << "Memory:#{slave} main #{mem}" # check the next two lines for more CPU info comments << "Processor ID: #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if cfg.lines[i + 1] =~ /processor board id (\S+)/i if cfg.lines[i + 2] =~ /(cpu at |processor: |#{cpu} processor,)/i # change implementation to impl and prepend comma cpuxtra = cfg.lines[i + 2].gsub("implementation", 'impl').gsub(/^/, ', ').chomp end comments << "CPU:#{slave} #{cpu}#{cpuxtra}#{slaveslot}" end comments << "Image: #{Regexp.last_match(1)}" if line =~ /^System image file is "([^"]*)"$/ end comments << "\n" return comments.join "\n" end ################################################################ # 対象機器から取得した設定情報を加工する処理 # @param cfg コマンド実行結果の文字列 # @return comments 加工後の文字列 ################################################################ def self.take_machine_config_info(cfg) cfg = cfg.each_line.to_a[3..-1] cfg = cfg.reject { |line| line.match /^ntp clock-period / }.join cfg = cfg.each_line.reject { |line| line.match /^! (Last|No) configuration change (at|since).*/ unless line =~ /\d+\sby\s\S+$/ }.join cfg.gsub! /^Current configuration : [^\n]*\n/, '' cfg.gsub! /^ tunnel mpls traffic-eng bandwidth[^\n]*\n*( (?: [^\n]*\n*)* tunnel mpls traffic-eng auto-bw)/mx, '\1' return cfg end end
require_relative 'custom_ios_helper' class CustomIOS < Oxidized::Model using Refinements prompt /^([\w.@()-]+[#>]\s?)$/ comment '! ' cmd :all do |cfg| cfg = CustomIOSHelper.take_all_info(cfg) cfg.cut_both end cmd :secret do |cfg| # 機密情報をマスクする cfg = CustomIOSHelper.secret_hidden(cfg) return cfg end cmd 'show version' do |cfg| # 対象機器の情報を comment = CustomIOSHelper.take_machine_info(cfg) end cmd 'show inventory' do |cfg| comment cfg end post do cmd_line = 'show running-config' cmd_line += ' view full' if vars(:ios_rbac) cmd cmd_line do |cfg| cfg = CustomIOSHelper.take_machine_config_info return cfg end end cfg :telnet do username /^Username:/i password /^Password:/i end cfg :telnet, :ssh do # preferred way to handle additional passwords post_login do if vars(:enable) == true cmd "enable" elsif vars(:enable) cmd "enable", /^[pP]assword:/ cmd vars(:enable) end end post_login 'terminal length 0' post_login 'terminal width 0' pre_logout 'exit' end end
⇧ 上記サイト様がまとめて下さっておりました。